Posts in Will & Powers of Attorney
Internet and the Law

Our clients are increasingly experiencing the impact of the Internet on their legal matters. Understanding the Law means keeping up to date with the latest developments both in technology and the law. 

We asked each of our lawyers to write a piece describing how the Internet effects their clients. This series is titled Internet and the Law.

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Supercharge your will with a Discretionary Testamentary Trust

A normal Will provides a gift to a beneficiary without any conditions. However, a Discretionary Testamentary Trust (“DTT”) has the effect of supercharging the gift. Tax, protection from creditors and relationship breakdowns, and savings, all enter into your decision.

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Wills — What information is needed?

Having prepared more than 5,000 wills over 30 years; Russell Robertson has been able to resolve plans for just about every situation that could possibly arise. For even the most complex situation, there is a solution. Many clients are often surprised that after a detailed conversation, a workable solution could be agreed upon relatively quickly. If you go to a specialist Doctor, you would expect that they would be able to diagnose and treat your condition, no matter how unusual. A specialist lawyer is no different. This post lists the key information you should bring with you to a meeting with your lawyer.

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