Separations are not just endings, they are also new beginnings.
OFRM Family Lawyers work with you to make the rest of your life start the right way…
Bendigo’s leading team of Family Lawyers, with the experience and expertise to get the right outcome for you and your family. We believe that you are in control of your separation & divorce. We support you to make the right decisions, empowered with an understanding of your legal situation and the choices available to you. We strive to resolve your matter efficiently and cost-effectively by agreement.
01. Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment
When a relationship ends, it is vital that you swiftly receive advice from an experienced family lawyer who can provide advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
At an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment at OFRM you will meet with one of our family lawyers (your choice) for 45-60 minutes. During that time, the lawyer will take the time to understand your particular circumstances, what issues are particularly worrying you and what are your priorities.
Our family lawyer will then use their knowledge and expertise to advise you of what would be a likely outcome in your family law matter and the best way of achieving the right result for you as easily, quickly and inexpensively as possible. This includes explaining the options to you and devising with you what would be the best next steps.
In that Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment we will also discuss with you the likely costs, options available for the payment and agree with you what needs to be done immediately. Often, it will be a matter of you considering that advice though sometimes immediate steps need to be taken to protect your position.
The fee of $495 for that Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment includes our lawyer meeting with you and then providing written confirmation to you of the matters discussed, including next steps. It is payable on the day.
02. Family Violence
If you need representation in court or just advice regarding being an applicant or respondent for an intervention order or personal safety order, simply make an appointment with Tom Wolff.
OFRM can provide advice and assistance to you in family violence matters including:
General advice about family violence and its relationship with family law and intervention orders
Representation at court in intervention order matters
Advice to family members and friends assisting those effected by family violence
Advice and representation in family law property and children’s matters where family violence is an issue
Advice on how intervention orders intersect with family law children’s orders and property settlements
Advice on the pathways available for working out arrangements for children when there is family violence
Advice and representation on family law orders that may be useful where there is family violence like orders for sole use and occupation of the home, urgent child support, urgent spousal maintenance, recovery orders, family law restraints including restraints against use of bank accounts, mortgage redraws
If you need assistance in these areas please phone 03 5445 1000 and speak to one of our family lawyers.
In addition, as recommended by
“If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic, or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit In an emergency, call 000. For more information about a service in your state or local area download the DAISY App in the App Store or Google Play.”
The website is a new resource of the Magistrates Court of Victoria that provide vital information regarding intervention orders. It includes a “quick exit” button and advice about how to clear your browser history to protect your safety.
Still have questions?
Click here to view our Family Violence FAQ
Call us on 03 5445 1000 or visit our Family Violence FAQ where many common questions are answered.
At OFRM we resolve your Family Law matter efficiently and cost effectively, making sure you understand the process and that the settlement is comprehensive so you are protected.
If an agreement can’t be reached, we take the right steps for you through the Family Court system to get the best outcome for you.
Separation and divorce doesn’t have to be complicated and it shouldn’t be a process out of your control. OFRM Family Lawyers put you in control of your situation, empowering you to make the right decisions.
We can assist you at all stages of a family law situation, but early advice is always best.
Maybe you think that you might be about to separate. While that is a challenging time emotionally, it is the ideal time to seek initial advice so that you have an idea of both what would be the likely outcome if you were to separate as well as how to protect your interests now.
If you have already separated, an initial appointment enables you to have all those questions answered and figure out the way forward. Even if you don’t want to start negotiations yet, that appointment will make sure that you are protected and put your mind at ease with advice specifically crafted for your specific situation.
If you have received a proposal from your ex or a letter from your lawyer, an initial appointment is ideal for you as OFRM Family Lawyers can explain both what your entitled to and how to deal with the approach from the other side.
If you have been served with court papers or a proposed agreement, contact us immediately so we can put the steps in place to protect you and so that you know what you need to do.
The best way to commence us working with you for your family law matters is to make an appointment for an Family Law Advice & Strategy appointment. You can find out more about that appointment here.
The OFRM Family Law team is 4 lawyers lead by experienced Accredited Specialist Marika McMahon. With a team of family lawyers you can choose the one that is right for your matter. You can book a Family Law Advice & Strategy appointment here where you can find the next available appointment with a specific lawyer or find the first available appointment with any of our family lawyers.
In that first appointment, your OFRM Family Lawyer will be able to give you advice regarding what is the appropriate outcome for you, the steps in involved and the likely costs.
If you would prefer to have a quick chat with one of our Family Lawyers before making that appointment, phone 5445 1000 and select the option to speak about a new family law matter.
OFRM Family Lawyers put you in control of your situation, empowering you to make the right decisions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Family Law?
So what is Family Law? When relationships go wrong, there can be legal issues that need to be sorted out. That may be the need to divide property or could extend to sorting out what are the arrangements for the children. Family Law matters can include:
Family Law Property Settlements
Family Law Children’s disputes
Child Support
Financial Agreements including “pre-nuptial” agreements
Family Violence Orders (see right)
Spousal Maintenance
Advice and representation before, during and after marriage/defacto relationships
At OFRM we can work with you to guide and represent you getting the Family Law Settlement that you should. This can include:
Providing initial advice to you so you not only know what are your rights but also the best way of achieving the right result (see Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment)
Advising you as negotiations are conducted
Conducting negotiations on your behalf
Representing you as your matter is litigated in court
Often, separation is something that is mutual or something that both parties see coming. For others it is a big shock.
If you find yourself suddenly separated an initial appointment with an OFRM Family Lawyer can assist reduce the stress and confusion.
Even if you are still stunned by the separation, meeting with one of our family lawyers will give you an understanding of what are the things relevant to your situation, what is a likely settlement and what are the things you should attend to urgently.
Sometimes there are things that need to be done to protect the assets. Otherwise you can reflect on this early information, be assured you have a lawyer to call upon when needed and come back to us when you are ready to sort out a settlement.
So, if you have just separated, you should make a time for an initial appointment with OFRM.
If you think your relationship might be ending or you are weighing up what to do in the future, the best time to see a family lawyer is before you make the final decision to separate.
It might seem a bit odd to be talking about what happens if you separate, but knowing beforehand what the options are, the likely outcomes, and the best way to go about sorting out things can be invaluable. Knowing the likely outcome in your particular situation will enable you to plan for the future.
We will also advise you on what are the things you can do to try and maximise the chance of reaching a settlement amicably as well as what are some steps you can take now to reduce time and cost later.
In most situations you can leave that first appointment knowing what the best way to proceed is, as well as being reassured you have engaged lawyers to assist you in the process.
If this is you current situation you should make an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment with OFRM.
When you separate it might take some time to get to a point of figuring out a property settlement.
Once you get to the point that you think it is time to finalise your division of assets, you should make an appointment to see one of our family lawyers for an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment.
At that Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment we will:
Obtain from you the relevant background, including your understanding of the assets and liabilities to be divided
Give you an idea of what would be a fair settlement
Discuss with you the best way to try and achieve a fair settlement including options like you and your ex discussing the matter to try and reach agreement, negotiations by us as your lawyers, mediation or commencing court proceedings.
We will provide advice to you about how you can minimse the time, stress and cost of the options
We will take you through the likely costs, the options as to how the costs can be paid
We will then confirm all of that in writing after the appointment
The vast majority of people who separate are able to reach an agreement regarding arrangements for the children and a property settlement between themselves.
With arrangements for children, often it is sufficient to just have a parenting plan you have prepared yourself (or through mediation). However, it is sensible to seek advice from one of our family lawyers to see whether that is enough to protect you and your children in your particular circumstances.
With property settlements you should always have your agreement made legally binding. Unfortunately, our professional rules mean we cannot see both parties to prepare an agreement; rather we would meet with one of you, provide advice to you regarding the proposed settlement and prepare the documentation for the settlement.
In the Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment we will discuss with you the assets and liabilities you have, the agreement you have reached and how that agreement is to be implemented.
We will give you advice as to whether that is an appropriate settlement and discuss with you what is the best option for making that agreement legally binding.
From there you can have us prepare the document, arrange for it to be signed by both of you and then make all the arrangements necessary for the settlement to be implemented.
If you have been served with court papers for a family law application you need to see us quickly. It may be a case that we are able to resolve the matter before that first court date. If not we will be able to work with you to prepare your responding documents and to represent you at court.
Importantly, we will be able to advise you on what is the likely outcome at court, what the likely costs are and how to best try and get to a resolution easily, quickly and with minimal cost.
If you have been served with papers phone our office on 03 5445 1000 to speak with one of our family lawyers about the next steps.
Sometimes people say divorce and they mean a property settlement… if this is what you mean have a look at which of our other categories on this page might help you:
1. Help! I've just separated
2. Now I want a property settlement
Under Australian Family Law, a divorce is not a property settlement but is the official ending of your marriage. You don’t have to get a divorce within a certain time of separating, but it is a good idea to take that final step and make it official – and you do have to get a divorce if you are going to remarry.
If the time has come to apply for your divorce, click to fill out a form with some basic background information and one of our lawyers will phone you to discuss the process of applying for a divorce.
Sometimes problems crop up when you have family law orders or a parenting plan in place regarding arrangements for your children. It may be that some advice from our family lawyers will help solve the situation. Alternatively, you may need advice on the options available including enforcement or a court application to change the orders
If you make an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment to see us we will be able to go through these options with you
In many situations the end of a relationship can impact upon the relationship between grandparents and their beloved grandchildren.
Sometimes, the parents are still in a relationship but there is a dispute between the grandparents and parents about the relationship with the grandchildren.
The Family Law Act provides that grandparents can commence court proceedings if such difficulties are occurring. To understand what is the relevant laws and procedures in such cases and how to best try and achieve a resolution, make an appointment for us for an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment.
In Australia a “pre-nup” is called a Binding Financial Agreement and is well worth considering if you are moving in with your partner or getting married.
If you are starting out with not much more than love, there is probably not a great need for a Binding Financial Agreement. However, for couples where one has significantly more assets than another or if you are a couple who already have children and assets from previous relationships, a BFA could be wise.
A BFA is like contracting out of the family law system – providing the terms of the settlement if you are to go your separate ways later on.
By having an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment with us for a BFA we can take you through the matters that should be considered in deciding whether you need a BFA, how to discuss a BFA with your partner and what the BFA should provide.
If you wish to see us about a BFA, please phone our office on 03 5445 1000 and make an appointment for advice on Binding Financial Agreements.
While child support works effectively for most people, most of the time, sometimes difficulties arise and independent legal advice can be useful for you to figure your way through the maze of child support.
If you need help like this make an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment so we can provide that advice to you.
When it comes to life events, they don’t come much bigger than resolving your family law matters. Maybe you already have some advice but are unsure whether that is right for you.
Our family lawyers can provide you with a second opinion – it may be that we can do that in an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment or if further work is required we will discuss what is involved, including costs, with you at that appointment.
The relationship between a family lawyer and client is so important, if things are not working out with your current lawyer, you may like to meet with one of our lawyers to see if things would work better for you at OFRM.
If you make an Family Law Advice & Strategy Appointment with us we can obtain an understanding of where your matter is at, what are some alternative ways we can see to move it forward and how we would be able to work with you.
Maybe it’s your business partner, maybe it’s your farming son or daughter or maybe it’s just a friend. Whatever the connection, if you own assets with a person going through a divorce or if you are owed money by someone who has just separated, you should seek independent advice to make sure you protect what is yours.
If you think you are in this situation give us a call on 03 5445 1000 and one of our family lawyers will be able to chat with you to figure out what you need to do.
If we haven't covered your situation in the list above that doesn't mean we can't help you. Call 03 5445 1000 and ask to speak to one of our family lawyers.
The Top 50 Questions You Want to Ask About Divorce & Separation guidebook distills the wealth of our Family Law team's experience into answers for the questions you are most likely to have.
Our Family Law Team…
At OFRM we have Bendigo’s biggest and most experienced family law team, ensuring that we are always available to advise you and that you can have the right lawyer for your matter.
Our family law team has been recognised in the 2024 Doyle’s Guide rankings for family law in Victoria. We are the only lawyers in Bendigo to achieve this recognition.
All our family lawyers are members of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia.
Marika McMahon
Accredited Family Law Specialist, Director, Mediator
Gabrielle Howley
Family Lawyer
Tom Wolff
Family Lawyer, Director