Importance of Enduring Powers of Attorney surrounding Covid-19

The current times of extreme uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 are a reminder for us all to consider how we can prepare ourselves for what could eventuate. Self-isolation highlights the importance of creating a Financial and Personal Enduring Power of Attorney.

This document allows your appointed attorney the ability to sign almost anything on your behalf which has a financial connection, such as transactions with bank accounts, paying bills, speaking to service providers, and buying or selling property.

Once the Financial and Personal Enduring Power of Attorney has been signed, it is effective immediately. Therefore, even while you still have the mental capacity to make your own decisions or sign your own documents, you are appointing someone who can do this for you, which may be for purely physical reasons. For example, if you are unable to leave your home for 14 days, or if you are isolated out of town, your appointed attorney is able to sign a vast range of documents on your behalf.

The appointment of a Medical Treatment Decision Maker could also provide great assistance should you encounter a situation when someone needs to make a medical decision for you.

Not only do these documents benefit you, but importantly they benefit your loved ones. They are the ones that might find themselves in a tricky situation if documents need to be signed, or if decisions need to be made on your behalf. By having the appropriate legal documents in place, you can ensure ease and convenience for your loved ones.

The current state of affairs is not a time to panic, but rather a time to prepare ourselves as best as possible for what could eventuate. It is impossible to predict what the future may hold, especially as the situation is changing day by day, however one of the best things you can do is to be calmly prepared. Ensuring your legal affairs are up to date can help bring calm in this uncertain time.

OFRM have recently opened up additional appointment times to ensure we are available to “meet” with you as soon as possible. OFRM is of course undertaking extensive hygienic precautions to protect both its team members and those who choose to meet with us in person, however we are also encouraging “meeting” via telephone or videoconference, allowing you to speak to us from the comfort of your own home. We are then able to prepare your Power of Attorney so it is finalised so that you quickly have the comfort of knowing suitable arrangements are in place.

You can book online here to make an appointment with Madeleine Debono regarding Powers of Attorney or your Will or you can phone Madeline on 03 5445 1063.