Posts in Family Law
Can I take my children overseas?

Every now and then there is a news story of someone who has taken their children out of the country, never to return. Because of this risk leaving the country for a legitimate overseas holiday can require permission of the other parent and  the Family Court. It's best to get everything in order before you book that non-refundable flight.

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What age do the kids get to make up their mind where they live?

Offering a PlayStation to your child might sway them to want to come and live with you, but before you do remember the court has jurisdiction to make orders regarding living arrangements. A child's view will be considered if it is compelling and not just a result of the "PlayStation" factor.

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Don't sweat the small stuff — personal belongings and chattels in Family Law matters

The sense of ownership we have over the goods and personal belongings in our homes can be a great source of stress when dividing it all up as part of a property settlement. Marika McMahon has seen this many times and has some advice for how to avoid getting the lawyers involved with this part of the process.

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Family Law: The Punter's Perspective

Being a family lawyer as well as a keen punter, Marika's mind often turns to how a big win or a big loss at the track can pan out in later family law proceedings. There's not too many things more tragic than when a relationship fails due to tensions arising out of one party's gambling problems. Sadly, it is something she see's happen all to often in practice, although more commonly from pokies than ponies.

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Over it?

These days it doesn’t seem to be a 7-year itch that leads to divorce, the vast majority of Marika's clients are “empty nesters”; couples who have been together 20, 30, or 40 years and decide to go their separate ways. This can make for a trickier family law settlement.

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