When choosing the right lawyer for your matter you want to make sure that the lawyer you select has the appropriate skills, knowledge and expertise. The Accredited Specialisation scheme for lawyers operates nationally to accredit those lawyers who achieve the standard of being specialists in their field. To become an Accredited Specialist a lawyer needs to:

  • have passed a rigorous examination process which tests not only their knowledge of the law but also their skills in dealing with clients and drafting documents

  • have demonstrated a high level of skill and commitment in their area of specialisation

  • engage in continual professional development to keep up with the latest developments

O’Farrell Robertson McMahon enthusiastically supports the Specialisation scheme, particularly as it is a great way of reassuring our clients that they can receive the highest quality legal services here in Bendigo and Central Victoria.


Our Accredited Specialists

Russell Robertson

Russell Robertson

Accredited Wills & Estate Specialist, Director

Your will and estate planning is something you really want to make sure you get right, you also want the process of doing that to be with someone you trust. Russell Robertson is passionate about both the legal technicalities of will-making but also about making sure you understand the process and the choices involved. Russell works with you to make a will which will give you and your family peace of mind. "It’s human nature to be apprehensive thinking about death, it’s my role to expertly guide you in the necessary conversation and decisions to make sure your will and powers of attorney are right for you and your family." As an Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates, Russell is able to provide over 30 years of experience as a lawyer. That knowledge and experience will ensure that the process is not just easy but comfortable for you. Russell leads our Wills & Estate team and is also able to assist in probate and wills disputes.
Learn more about Russell

Marika McMahon

Marika McMahon

Accredited Family Law Specialist, Director, Mediator

One of Victoria’s leading Family Lawyers Marika McMahon is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law, experienced in dealing with complex family law matters whether they be children or property issues. “When I work with my clients to achieve the best resolution of their Family Law matters, they are not just receiving the benefit of my 25 years experience as a lawyer but I also bring my life and board experience as well as a passion about caring for the individual, not just a file”. Marika is also highly sought after for her talent as a mediator in family law property matters.
Learn more about Marika

Sam McGee

Sam McGee

Accredited Family Law Specialist, Director

Often in Family Law matters, making sure that nothing is left uncovered can be a challenge. It may be that you have lost track of your assets, or maybe you don’t understand the structure of your various property interests. In situations like that, Accredited Specialist Sam McGee is your ideal lawyer. Many family lawyers gloss over the details but Sam relishes spending his time making sure the full picture is clear — and then making sure the right result is achieved for you.
Learn more about Sam